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Nyiragongo expedition / Akagera National Park

Akagera national park found in eastern Rwanda is a 2500 sq km of mainly Savannah land. The park is named after Kagera River that flows along Rwanda’s eastern boundary with Tanzania. The river feeds into Lake Ihema and other smaller lakes in and around the park.

The park protects an African Savannah landscape of acacia and bush with patches of open grassland and a dozen swampy lakes. It has exceptional levels of biodiversity and forms a large protected wetland. Akagera national park is the only Savannah national park in Rwanda and the only place to sight most of the large mammals while on safari. Whereas there are forest elephants in the other parks, it is very difficult to sight them. Explore the park in the comfort of your safari vehicle while on a game drive.

Akagera national park

Akagera National Park - Rwanda National parks, Rwnada safaris

Why visit Akagera national park?

Akagera national park is home to a variety of wildlife which includes elephants, buffalos, giraffe, zebras, leopards, hyenas, lions. It is home to several antelopes like bushbucks, Topis, Oribis, water-buck, roan antelope and duiker, klipspringer, impala and world largest antelope – the Cape eland.

You can watch schools of hippos and crocodiles basking in the sun near Lake Ihema. The common primates in Akagera national park are olive baboons, Vervet monkeys, blue monkeys and bush babies who are often seen on night drives.

Olive Baboons

Papyrus Gonolek

Akagera national park has a wide variety of habitats which provide great habitat for 500 bird species. The bird species to look out for include the remarkable shoebill, papyrus Gonolek, African Wattled Plover, Giant Kingfisher, Senegal Lapwings, Squacco Herons, African Open bill stock, Grey Crowned Crane, African Darter, Long-toed and Water Thick-knee.

Fish Eagles

More bird species likely to encounter are, fish eagles, Cattle Egret, Hamerkop, Sacred and Hadada Ibis, Augur Buzzard, Long-crested Eagle, and Pied Crow.

Safari activities in Akagera national park

Game drives

Game drives in Akagera national park are done in safari vehicles starting early morning in search of the leopards, hyenas, and the re-introduced lions. This is because the predators prefer to hunt at night or early morning and usually go into hiding as the heat from the sun increases. Along the carnivores, enjoy the scenery of this beautiful park and several other big mammals like Elephants, buffaloes, antelopes, Zebra and Giraffes. The landscape and beautiful wild flowers will make for good pictures for the interested photographer.

There are also night game drives carried out by the park officials i.e. Akagera management company. These normally last about 2 hours starting from 6pm to 8.30pm in the night. You will have spotlight to help in watching the different nocturnal animals. You might have an opportunity of sighting the leopards as they hunt or even the lions.

Bird watching

Bird watching enthusiasts will find birding Akagera national park rewarding as it offers birders opportunities to sight both the endangered bird species like papyrus gonolek and shoebill and the more easily sighted species like weavers, egrets and several Kingfishers. Birding is done while on a game drive, nature walk with a ranger guide and on a boat safari on Lake Ihema. Birding on Lake Ihema will accord one the pleasure of water species which are otherwise not seen while on the game drive in the Savannah grassland. Overall we highly recommend birding Akagera national park for both variety and the ease with which you see the birds.

Boat Safaris

The best way to spend an afternoon in Akagera national park is to take a boat ride on Lake Ihema. Most animals are hiding under shade because of the heat from the sun as others come to the water for cooling off and drinking.

Boat safari on Lake Ihema

In addition to a variety of water birds, you will watch schools of hippos in the water and crocodiles by the shores of the lake. There are scheduled boat trips which happen during the day but one can book for a private unscheduled boat trip at their own timing.

Sport fishing

The park offers an opportunity of sport fishing on Lake Shakani. You are required to make a booking with the park for sport fishing on this lake. Even though the expectation is catch and release, you are given an opportunity to take one catch for a meal if interested.

Cultural tours

Experience the rural Rwandan life around the cattle keeping communities near Akagera national park. You have opportunity to observe and or participate in traditional cattle grazing, milking, traditional milk storage in calabashes for preservation. You then go through the process of converting milk into different products like traditional yogurt, ghee and lastly take part in preparing a meal with some of the ingredients from the milk products. This is an authentic cultural experience shared by the locals living adjacent to the park, they get to earn from this supplementing their agricultural income. This eventually contributes to conservation culture and wild animals in the park.

Where to stay in Akagera national park?

There are a variety of accommodation facilities that you can choose from depending on what you prefer and your budget. These facilities include Magashi Camp, Ruzizi Tented Lodge, Karenge Bush Camp (Seasonal), Akagera Game Lodge

Magashi Camp

When to visit Akagera National Park?

Dry season situation in the park

Akagera Park has two dry seasons: the long dry season, which runs from June to September (the best time to come), and the short dry season, which runs from mid-December to mid-February. If you want to see the magnificent species that the reserve supports, you must visit during the dry season. The vegetation is minimal, and because animals and birds congregate near pools of water to drink, they are easy to spot. There are also fewer pests, and driving through the jungle in safari vehicles is much easier. These seasons are particularly ideal for combining your trip with a tour of Volcanoes National Park to see Rwanda’s legendary mountain gorillas.

How to access Akagera national park?

You can drive from Kigali through Rwamagana town to Akagera national park (entrance is only through southern gate. Northern gate is currently used only for exit). The journey takes a total of about 2 hours to arrive at the park entrance.

There is an option of flying to the park using the services of Akagera Aviation for those not keen on the 2 hour drive.

Akagera Aviation

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